Pezoderm Protective Cream – came into life


Dermatologist, laser-therapist doctor. Member of the American Academy of Dermatology, owner of the Derma-Art Clinic. Now she talks about the Pezoderm healing cream.


A PEZODERM® HEALING & PROTECTIVE CREAM honored by the Hungarian Quality Product Award in 2015, gained the trophy of Hungarian Quality Product Award is a product composed and produced in a modern form with soft creamy texture and eye-catching packaging. A cream recommended for general and daily use, which is a must in every household. Thanks to its nourishing herbal active ingredients, its jojoba oil, avocado oil, sunflower oil and lavender oil content, and vitamins A, B5, D and E content, the cream softens the skin, promotes epithelization, and the regeneration of the epithelial cells. .

When the product is applied, it creates a breathable filmlayer, which blocks wet to connect with the skin, and the evolved layer makes an unabsorbent defensive layer on the skin. This layer defends the skin from the affection of the excessive amount of wet, bacteriums, and fungal. Paraben free, contains A, B5, D, and E vitamins, which can be found in natural oils.

It is suggested for the whole family.

Recommended for the entire family because of our skin is a value in every age, it is important to protect and defend in everyday life. The PEZODERM® HEALING & PROTECTIVE CREAM can be used both for children and adults. Because of its ingredients people, who have sensitive skin can also use the product. One of these ingredients is Jojoba oil, which has similar esters to esters of suet made by our skin, so it can boost the defensive function of the skin, demulcent, has a skin conditioning affection. The avocado oil takes care about the dry, eczematous skin, helps the regeneration of skin-cells, so it is used for inflammation and handling of scars. The sunflower oil is an efficient emollient material, which can help the irritated, dry skin in the regeneration of its defensive layer. The lavender oil can be a useful weapon in the fight against the fungal infections. Because of its Vitamin and Bisabolol content it is a great demulcent, soothes the skin and helps to keep its defensive layer.


Possibilities for daily usage

1- TAKING CARE OF SKIN BREAKDOWNS AND GRAZES: There are many kind of little skin breakdowns and skin irritation, which easily can form sore, or get infected. The PEZODERM PROTECTIVE CREAM is demulcent, and has a soothing affection. It fosters the epithelization and the regeneration of skin-cells, boosts up the defense of skin against infections.

2- MILD BURN OR FROSTBITE, SUNBURN: Boosts the defensive function of the skin, demulcent, helps the epithelization and the regeneration of skin-cells, has a skin conditioning affection. Its natural ingerdients helps to calm the skin, moreover forwards the regeneration.

3- TAKING CARE OF ECZEMATOUS AND PIMPLED SKIN: It takes care of dry, cracked, eczematous skin masterfully, helps the cell-regeneration, so it can be applied in case of inflamed skin, has a skin- sedative affection. Helps to maintain the defensive layer of the skin.

4- TAKING CARE OF THE SKIN OF ELDERLY PEOPLE: Unfortunately, the aging process of the skin can not be stopped. The cells of aging skin do not work so active. The attenuate skin problems can not be seen, but can be reasons of inflammation. The Pezoderm Protective Cream helps the epithelization and the regeneration of the skin.

5- TAKING CARE OF BABY FANNY AND DIAPER-AREA: Shelters the area covered by diaper. The skin of babies requires specical grooming, because it is diffrent from the skin of adults. The skin-area covered by diaper is the most problematic in this age. If enough defensive products are applied the problems are preventable. The PEZODERM PROTECTIVE CREAM creates a defensive layer on the skin, salves the irritation caused by the diaper, defends the skin from the irritation caused by stool and urine. Its natural agents salve the burn of the skin, help the regeneration. Noted demulcent, has a skin- soothing affection, and helps the regeneration.

The PEZODERM® HEALING & PROTECTIVE CREAM won the Hungarian Product Award in 2015. The product is inspired by modern approach, it is a smooth cream in a nice-looking package. The product is suggested for daily use, as it is a must in every household. It can be applied on occasion of skin breakdowns, grazes, mild burn or frostbite, sunburn, and red, irritated skin. The product takes care skin with eczema and papulas, protects the skin-area covered by diaper. It has a skin-defending affection by elderly people and by people, who have incontinence

Why should you choose the Pezoderm Protective cream?

Because it is a HUNGARIAN PRODUCT! We created hungarian workplaces, and we maintain them. As you buy from us, you help the HUNGARIAN industry and HUNGARIAN workplaces. It is suggested for daily use, as it is a must in every household. It can be used for adults and for children too. It does not contain colourants, artificial fragrances, parabens and sulfats. During the development the safety was the first for us. We did not do any experiments on animals. The products are traditional, but modern, made of ingredients, which are proper to these days’ requirements. It is rich of natural oils, vitamins, and made of ingredients, which have the quality of medicines. All the products went through a high-quality GMP manufacturing, and have officinal quality. Dermatologically tested. Favourable, quality- proportional price.

Three interesting (PDF format) articles about the Pezoderm Protective Cream can be downloaded if you click on the pictures below:

Pezoderm and Psorioderm products went through stirct dermatological and laboratorial tests. The products are free of alcohol and parabens, do not contain coloring materials, fragrances and allergens. Learn more about the products in the webpages of PEZOMED and PSORIODERM. The products can be purchased in pharmacy and in DERMA-ART DERMATOLOGY CLINIC and at EVENTUS PHARMA WEBSTORE. Distributed by PEZOMED LTD. Hungary, 1138 Budapest, Marina coast, Turóc street 1. E. VIII/2. Tel.: +36 (1) 239-6720, Fax: +36 (1) 239-8345 Company premises, letter address: Hungary, 4400 Nyíregyháza, Dózsa György street 60. Tel.: +36 (42) 423-864, Fax: +36 (42) 401-066. If you would like to know more about our products please contact us via email.

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